Wednesday, May 20, 2009

make an account... duh

I have been showing this site to a lot of people and it has come to my attention that not a lot of people have an account with this site. It is not necessary to make one but you will be able to get more involved if you do. You will be able to post comments, ideas, suggestions, and anything else that your heart may desire. Uh... basically just make an account, follow this page, and be my best friend!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The Contentment Coalition is a group that focuses on promoting anything positive. We want to support such things as respect(for everything... no excuses), manners, lending a helping hand, anything that will ultimately lead to a better world for yourself and those around you. 

Our name comes from that idea that we should just love life. It sucks for the most part but who cares. Accept what has been handed to you and make the most of it. Who has time to stress about every detail of everyday. All we have is now, so make the most of it. The past has happened and nothing will change that. The future is ahead of us and out of our hands. Take every opportunity and live it to the fullest.

We will eventually have stickers, shirts, bracelets, and other merch available but for now this is a place to support and discuss our ideals.
